Control of Personal Expenses: Keeping them Organized

Who has never dreamed of organizing financial life once and for all? Know that this is an achievable goal for those who control the way they spend their own money. After all, spending control is useful for many purposes: investing and making a financial return, creating an emergency reserve, buying a property and much more.

Thinking about it, we created this text to show you how to make good control of personal expenses. Thus, it will be possible to take advantage of the countless benefits that this practice brings.

Maintaining Organized Spending Control?

First of all, think about your wardrobe. To organize it and facilitate your routine, the ideal would be to separate the cold clothes from the warm ones, put underwear and socks in accessible drawers, hang delicate items on hangers and so on.

This organization takes some work in the beginning, but it makes you “earn” several minutes a day. After all, you’ll know which part of your closet is your favorite T-shirt. Not to mention that the clothes will not be wrinkled or lost, because you have established control over them.

This same logic applies to monthly expenses. If you don’t control them, you won’t know where your money goes.

Worse, without controlling personal expenses, you will hardly organize your personal finances to make that trip or buy the car you want so badly.

It is worth remembering that, however small an expense is, it must always be considered in your financial planning. So, nothing to ignore that candy bought after lunch, just because it cost a few cents. At such times, all money spent counts.

Keep Track of Daily Expenses?

Now that you understand how important it is to know how to control spending, it’s time to see how to do it in practice. A very simple way to control your personal expenses daily is by taking notes on your cell phone or using financial control applications. If you prefer more traditional methods, it is also possible to write everything down in a notebook or spreadsheet.

For this, remember to always ask for the invoice for everything you buy.

It is essential to find a way to record these costs on the spot or right afterward, OK? Thus, you will not forget the transactions you made on the day and you will be able to control your monthly expenses in a more organized way.

To make it easier, it is important to have an expense control spreadsheet. In it, you get complete control of the entry and exit of personal expenses and revenues. But remember that it must always be updated for greater efficiency operating MyCCPay official site.

Best Spending Control Apps

There are many available on the market and they can help you a lot to keep your accounts organized. See 3 application options for spending control below:


Organizze draws attention because it is very easy to use. In it, you can register everything that enters and leaves your account. To use it, it is not necessary to have the internet at all times – the app saves all the information entered and transfers it to the cloud as soon as a connection is established.

It can be used for free, but it also offers a paid plan, with more features. It is available for Android and iOS.


At Mobills, you can create goals, dreams and even detect what your biggest expenses are: food, electricity and internet bills, etc. In addition, it is also possible to divide your assets into specific accounts – this functionality is ideal for setting up an emergency reserve, for example.

It also has a paid and a free plan. It can be used on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Have a look inside MyCCPay official site before you use it!!

My money

With Meu Dinheiro, you control not only your daily expenses but also your investments and applications. It is also possible to record your goals, specify revenues and the like. It’s free, but it also offers an optional paid plan. You can download it on Android and iOS.

Step by Step to Control Personal Expenses

Want another little help to start taking care of finances? Here are just a few important steps in this process:

1. Write down all your expenses

As we said, this is a fundamental practice for controlling personal expenses. You can use any of the applications suggested above or a spreadsheet to control expenses.

To be effective in this step, make it a habit: spent it, noted it. Thus, you will hardly forget any purchase you made, regardless of whether it cost R $ 1.00 or R $ 500.00.

2. Organize expenses and align by categories

The hustle and bustle of everyday life mean that we don’t have time for almost anything, don’t we? Anyway, take a few minutes at the end of the month to organize your personal expenses.

Here, the idea is to align them by categories, such as food, entertainment, extras, parking, car, health, etc. This step may be a little boring at first, but you’ll soon get used to it. Don’t forget: all personal expenses must be registered and belong to a category.

3. Identify where the money is going and pay more attention to spending

After a while of taking the first two steps, you will be able to know where your money is going. After all, it will be easier to analyze whether you are spending more than you should be spending on food, transportation or the cable television plan, for example.

Learn to Save and Invest Your Money

After controlling finances, the next step is to save to invest. That way, you can lead an organized financial life, and this is the first stage to have a peaceful future and to be able to fulfill your dreams. So, set some goals to be achieved.

Think about what you most want: to know another country, to have a house on the beach, to buy a luxury car, to take a course, etc.

Then, take the money out of Savings and choose an application that has a more interesting income. In case you don’t understand much about the subject, know that there are many articles and even free courses on investments on the internet.

Just be willing to learn and start investing. In no time, you will learn more about stocks, fees, Treasury Direct government bonds and the like. After saving and making your money more, you can reap the rewards of your organization.

After all, the time will come when you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of spending control you have made. You will finally be able to fulfill your dreams and lead a life with more comfort and quality of life. How about starting right now?